Retirement planning

Because you can postpone your any others financial goal like buy a car, planning for world tour, etc but you can’t postpone your retirement.

Retirement planning means preparing today for your future life so that you continue to meet all your goals and dreams independently. This includes setting your retirement goals, estimating the amount of money you will need, and investing to grow your retirement savings.

Every retirement plan is unique. After all, you may have very specific ideas on how you want to spend your retired life. This is why it’s important to have a plan that is designed specifically to suit your individual needs.

Retirement savings isn’t the only financial goal you might want to consider in a lifetime. There are other considerable milestones that you want to take into account as well.

When it comes to financial stability, people tend to focus on paying off debt and saving for retirement. In reality, many other financial goals beckon to individuals during their lifetime. Because of this, it’s important to look beyond retirement when setting targets, no matter how old you are.

Identify Future Objectives

While it is never too early to start planning for retirement, waiting until you reach 60 years or older to truly live is a mistake many people come to regret. A number of exciting possibilities are waiting for you throughout your life:

  • Building an emergency fund
  • Creating and growing passive income
  • Starting a business
  • Owning a home
  • Becoming debt-free
  • Raising a family

1 Emergency Fund

Before you start investing for the future, make sure you have enough savings to weather unforeseen expenses.

You’ll want to have at least six weeks of income set aside in a separate account. This account should be for emergencies only.

Don’t be discouraged if you haven’t built your emergency savings yet. We may be able to help.

2 Lack of a social retirement benefit

India has yet to implement a robust social security system with retirement benefits for its senior citizens. Although pensions and employee provident funds do exist, they may not be sufficient to cover all expenses.

3 Financial independence

For generations, older Indians have depended on their children for retirement support. Lately, youngsters are leading more independent lives. Often, they are unable to support their parents financially. Even if they can do it, being responsible for yourself will give you more independence to live life on your own terms because you will not be answerable to anyone else.

4 4. Inflation

As an investor, you will need to account for rising costs. Inflation is a vital element to consider when planning your retirement. If you are unable to keep up with rising costs, you may have to compromise on your standard of living.

5 Medical emergencies

Healthcare costs are pivotal to understanding the importance of retirement planning. While retail expenses continue to rise steadily, healthcare inflation is growing at alarming rate. While other financial goals may be negotiable, health cannot be compromised.

6 Peace of Mind

In your golden days you should be in position of clarity and peace of mind that you are on track &enjoy the retirement life.

7 Maintain a standard of living

Maintaining same standard of living or better after retirement is important it’s all depend how you take retirement planning effectively

8Better prepare for life’s uncertainties

The sooner, the better. As you start earning you should start saving towards retirement, as in 20’s people are not consider retirement as important goal by reaching in 30’s you might have some other priorities & by reacihing40’s you might think about retirement & if you still not consider it , it may lead for less savings in your hand for retirement.

Delay cost has big impact on retirement.

Let’s take an e.g

Age (Years) 25 35
Retirement Age (Years) 60 60
Years to Retirement (Years) 35 25
Corpus Required (Rupees) 1 crore 1 crore
Expected Return (Percent) 8 8
Monthly Contribution (Rupees) 4359 10515

Many investment options can help you save for retirement. Some options may attract higher risks; others may help you protect your wealth.

You may consider mentioned below products

  • PPF/PF
  • NPS
  • SIP
  • GOLD

Advantages and importance of starting retirement savings early

It is easy to postpone saving for retirement because it is far away in the future and there are more pressing financial demands that have to be met. The intention is to catch up on retirement savings later when there is scope for saving more. But when retirement saving is started late, the amount of contribution that has to be made to reach the required amount is much higher. In other words, the same corpus will cost more.

Some important concepts of Retirement Planning

Need to apportion current income between current and future expenses

Individuals have to apportion their available income in their working years to meeting current expenses and to saving for their goals, including retirement. A financial plan will help identify the goals and quantify the amount required to meet the goals. Once this is done, the savings available from the current income after meeting current expenses is apportioned to the goals.

Importance of Budgeting

As mentioned earlier, the income or earnings in the working years is used to meet current expenses first, and a part is saved and invested to create a corpus that will generate income for the retirement years.

budget helps in prioritizing expenses and goals, given the expected income. It gives clarity on what financial goals are realistically achievable given the available income and level of savings.

Increasing Life Expectancy

The life expectancy at birth in India has gone up from 63.8 years in 2003 to 69.66 years in 2019 (Source: World Bank), and the trend is upward. Better diet, health care facilities and lifestyles have contributed to this. While increased life expectancy is a positive parameter for evaluating any population, it brings with it the risk of longevity for retirement planning and the need to manage it.

Inflation and Time value of money

The concept of time value of money

Let’s take an e.g. with numbers

Suppose you need Rs.20, 000 per month today to meet the costs of living for his family. If there is no change in expenses, will you be able to meet his family’s cost of living with Rs.20, 000 per month 5 years hence? Assume inflation is at 5 percent.

You will need Rs.25, 525 per month to meet the same expenses 5 years hence. This is because the cost of meeting the expenses has gone up each year due to inflation at the rate of 5 percent per annum. The table below shows how the cost of living expenses go up from one year to the next as a result of the effect of inflation on costs.

Current (A) Year 1 (B) Year 2 (C) Year 3 (D) Year 4 (E) Year 5 (F)
Expenses/Month(Rs.) 20,000 21000 22050 23153 24310 25526
Inflation ( percent) 5 5 5 5 5 5
Formula A x (1+5 percent) B x (1+5 percent) C x (1+5 percent) D x (1+5 percent) E x (1+5 percent)

In planning for long term goals, like retirement, an understanding of time value of money is essential to make the right saving and investment decisions. The following are the areas where the time value of money will impact the calculations of the retirement corpus:

  • The cost of expenses expected in retirement has to be adjusted for inflation. The cost for the same level of expenses will be higher in retirement relative to the current cost because of inflation, and a higher sum of money will be required to meet the expenses in retirement.
  • The potential for the money saved to be invested to earn returns and compound over time has to be considered. The final corpus will comprise not of the savings alone but also the returns earned on the savings by investing it. This has to be considered while determining the savings required creating the corpus required to generate retirement income. The returns that are likely to be earned will significantly reduce the contribution or savings required for creating the corpus. The effect of compounding on returns is explained in the next section.
  • Longer the time to retirement, higher will be the impact of time value of money: both positive (ability to earn compounded returns on investment) and negative (impact of inflation).
Real Rate of Return vs. Nominal Rate of Return

The return on an investment is usually expressed as a nominal rate. When the nominal rate is adjusted for the effects of inflation, it is known as the real rate of return. Calculation of the real rate of return on investments enables investors to understand the actual purchasing power of their investment values. Consider the following example.

A bond pays 10% interest per annum. The inflation rate for that year is 5%. What is the real return?

Nominal rate of return= 10%
Inflation rate= 5%
Real rate of return = 10% - 5% = 5%

Effect of compounding on returns

Compounding or compound interest is the effect of the interest earned on an investment earning interest on account of re-investment. If the interest earned is not withdrawn but allowed to remain in the investment, then the return for the next period will be earned not only on the principal but also on the interest that was reinvested. Overtime, the contribution of compound interest to the accumulated value of the investment will be far more than the investment made.

Rs.1000 made each month grows to a value of aboutRs.1.5 crores over a period of 35 years, assuming a 15 percent return.

Notice how a delay of just 5 years in starting saving (from age 25 to age 30) more than half the returns earned from Rs. 1.42 crore to Rs.65 lakhs.

The contribution made over 35 years is just Rs.4,20,000 out of a total final corpus value of Rs. 146,77,180.

Retirement Checklist

The most important step is getting started, and the smart habits you establish today can help benefit you later in life. Here are some tips to consider.

1 Start saving –as early as possible

Take advantage of time and the Power of compounding to potentially grow your money

  • Calculate how much to save each month:
    • o Use our retirement savings calculator available in our website, to estimate how much you should be saving toward retirement each month.
  • Consider participating in your retirement plan at work
    • If you are employee take advantage of the NPS plan your employer offers. NPS is simple and convenient. If you are not employee than you can contribute in NPS account with POP (point of Present) of NPS. The money is automatically contributed to the plan, allowing you to save, not spend.
    • You can plan for PF contribution above than your employer is contribution or if you are not employee than you can contribute in PPF account with bank or post office
  • There are many other fixed and equity linked investments you can consider while planning for retirement
    • Regular contributions and asset allocation which refers to diversifying your investment portfolio among different asset categories such as bonds, stocks, and cash
    • Check your investments are they enough tax efficient If your investments are given good returns but not tax efficient , can reduce your returns at your hand
  • Save even more with an NPS account & SIP
    • If your employer does not offer NPS ,you can open it separately
    • Sip is convenient & easy investment product, Start SIP in equity mf at the earliest to get the good compounding effect in long term, sip is enable automatic contributed money to the plan from your account, allowing you to save more & in disciplined way , sip is available in daily ,monthly ,quarterly half yearly and yearly mode.
  • Automate your savings
    • First, decide on an amount to put aside each month. Choosing an amount to save is a very personal decision. You may want to meet with your financial professional(s) to discuss your specific goals and objectives to help you determine an appropriate amount to save.
    • o Next, decide whether how much you contribute in PF , NPS , SIP ,other traditional saving products
  • Build an emergency fund
    • Try to set aside an amount equal to three months' income in fixed deposit with your bank This cushion can help you weather an emergency without dipping into your retirement savings.
    • Emergency savings are best placed in an interest-earning bank account, such as a money market ,savings account that can be accessed easily without taxes or penalties
    • Before you borrow, carefully analyze the impact that major purchases may have on your cash flow

2 Watch your spending

  • Create a budget
    • Understand what you’re really spending each month by creating a budget and keeping track of your spending. Make a excel sheet of your monthly spending – fixed & variable, which helps you review your spending to find ways to fund your retirement.
    • Review your monthly bills and look for opportunities to reduce your expenses. Sometimes a there are some unnecessary expenses on monthly bills are going on, which you take earlier and may be not required now.
    • Don’t buy things or luxurious product on credit.
  • Keep debt under control
    • Lower monthly payments and high-interest debt a simple way to pay down debt faster.
    • As you reduce your debt, consider using the available cash to invest more for retirement and other long-term goals.
    • Simplify your finances to better track your assets and manage your spending.

3 Learn more

  • Understand two key concepts of Retirement Planning
    • Regular contributions and asset allocation are two keys to retirement planning.
    • Regular contributions refers to the habit of contributing regularly to a NPS ,PPF , SIP’s and other
    • Asset allocation refers to where you put your savings.
  • Learn how to invest and allocate your savings
    • Explore different options, such as creating your own investment portfolio and speaking to a financial planner for help.

Consider putting money toward retirement today,

When you start saving now, your money has a chance to grow. Small amounts you save each month can grow into much larger amounts later, especially 30 or even 40 years from now.

When you start to save, think about:
  • How much to contribute regularly
  • Where to put your money (different types of saving instruments Fixed and Variables)
  • How to invest your contributions

4 Develop your income plan

You have to be more realistic about when you want to retire, how much income you’ll need, and what your current retirement savings are projected to be once you reach retirement age. At this point in life, retirement may seem more like a reality and less like a far-off plan. Points to consider when developing your retirement income plan include the following:

  • Identify your source of income for retirement.
  • Create a realistic retirement budget.
  • Identify sources of income in retirement including, retirement savings, pensions, investments, etc.
  • Build an investment strategy that generates income in retirement while giving your assets the potential to grow.

  • Assess what your monthly expense will be.
    • Compare your expected income to your projected expenses to determine if you are on track to cover all of your expenses in retirement.
    • Analyze your essential and discretionary expenses to determine how much flexibility you have to reduce expenses when circumstances dictate.
  • Understand the risks. For example:
    • Do you know how longevity can impact your plan?
    • Have you planned for your healthcare needs in retirement?
    • How will inflation impact your portfolio?

5Keep investments docs safely & involve family

6 Review and update your retirement plan

  • Are you on track to reach your retirement goals? Make sure you know how much you need to save to preserve your lifestyle in retirement.
  • Ensure your investment and asset allocation strategy is aligned with your goals.
  • Evaluate options for retirement assets

7 Create a will and/or update beneficiaries

  • An up-to-date Last Will , keep beneficiaries or nominee , regardless of your financial situation.
  • Creating a living will can help ensure your wishes are carried out.

8Protect yourself and your loved ones.

Consider insurance protection to help you plan for the unexpected.

Track Your Spending

If you have questions about Retirement planning, consider reaching out us


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There are risks associated with fixed income investments, including credit risk, interest rate risk, and prepayment and extension risk. In general, bond prices rise when interest rates fall and vice versa. This effect is usually more pronounced for longer-term securities.

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