We offer best range of consisting performing funds to our clients with accordance of their risk profile .While accessing the funds we look all parameters of funds like fund manager experience ,peer performance ,Aum in scheme , amc track record etc..This facility provide only offline

For selecting the right fund for you, first let us know you better

Mutual funds offer investment solution for a variety of investment needs for investors in all age groups. For selecting the funds, you must know the following 3 things.

Investment Goal
Risk Appetite
Time Horizon
Check Your Investment profile (Risk Appetite)

Before picking an investment or creating a portfolio, you must understand how much risk tolerance you have in regards with your asset allocation in equity & debt

It is very important to know your risk appetite. Your risk appetite will depend on various factors – Your current financials, your risk taking capacity , your knowledge & experience , your age, your liquidity needs, nature of employment, time horizon and the importance of your investment objectives)

1What are your goals for your investments?
2Assuming normal market conditions, what would you expect from your investments over time?
3Suppose the stock market performs unusually poorly over the next decade, what would you expect from your investments?
4Which of these statements would best describe your attitude about the next three years' performance of your investments?
5Which of these statements would best describe your attitude about the next three months' performance of your investments?

Thank you for taking quiz...!

Risk level:Conservative

I am willing to accept the lowest return potential in exchange for the lowest potential fluctuation in my account value even if it may not keep pace with inflation.

Risk level:Moderately conservative

I am willing to accept a relatively low return potential in exchange for relatively low fluctuation in account value.

Risk level:Moderate

I am willing to accept a moderate return potential in exchange for some fluctuation in account value.

Risk level:Moderately aggressive

I am seeking a relatively high return potential and am willing to accept a relatively high fluctuation and potentially substantial loss in my account value.

Risk level:Aggressive

I am seeking the highest return potential and am willing to accept the highest fluctuation and could lose most or all of my account value.

Kinldy provide your contact details, we will update to you later


Benchmark Investments is a Registered Mutual Fund Distributor.

Benchmark Investments is NOT an advisory firm & NOR an Investments advisor.

The contents herein mentioned are solely for informational and educational purpose only

This document is marketing material for a retail audience and does not constitute advice or recommendations. Past performance is not a guide to future performance and may not be repeated. The value of investments and the income from them may go down as well as up and investors may not get back the amount originally invested.

Mutual Fund investments are subject to market risks, read all scheme related documents carefully.

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Please consult your CA / Tax expert for taxation before investing.

The information provided on this website is to help investors in their decision-making process and shall not be considered as a recommendation or solicitation of an investment or investment strategy.

We do not provide tax, legal or accounting advice. This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal or accounting advice. You should consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors before engaging in any transaction.

Tax law is subject to continual change, at times on a retroactive basis and may result in incremental taxes, interest or penalties.

There are risks associated with fixed income investments, including credit risk, interest rate risk, and prepayment and extension risk. In general, bond prices rise when interest rates fall and vice versa. This effect is usually more pronounced for longer-term securities.

Stock investments have an element of risk. High-quality stocks may be appropriate for some investments strategies. Ensure that your investment objectives, time horizon and risk tolerance are aligned with stocks before investing, as they can lose value.

Benchmark Investments only acts as a mediator between its clients and the company inviting/accepting deposits, known as Principal Company.

The contents herein above shall not be considered as an invitation or persuasion to trade or invest. We accept no liabilities for any loss or damage of any kind arising out of any actions taken in reliance thereon.

Mutual fund and other investments are always subject to market risks. Please read all, Scheme Information Documents (SID), Key Information Memorandum (KIM), Addendums(if any) issued there to from time to time and any other related documents or information carefully before investing. Past performance is not indicative or assurance of future performance or returns. Please consider your specific investment requirements before choosing a fund.

For any grievances, investors can contact at:,  Tel: +91-755-4938282 / +91-9826310337.
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